About Us

Mission Statement

At Ohana Volleyball Club, we're dedicated to creating a positive environment that ignites our athletes' passion for volleyball and competition. While we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier volleyball training, we believe it's equally crucial to impart lasting life lessons that extend beyond the court.

Our coaches are more than just instructors; they're mentors, role models, and educators. We strive to develop well-rounded individuals by teaching our athletes:

  • Discipline and commitment
  • Full-effort training and competition
  • Positive and supportive teamwork
  • Problem-solving skills
  • The courage to push beyond comfort zones
  • Confidence and enthusiasm in competition

We're committed to nurturing not just skilled volleyball players, but also resilient, confident individuals equipped with valuable life skills. Our goal is to ensure that the lessons learned at Ohana Volleyball Club resonate with our athletes long after their volleyball careers conclude.

By fostering this holistic approach, we aim to create an experience that not only enhances volleyball skills but also contributes to personal growth and character development.

Contact Information

Joe Ledesma, Jr.

Director and Owner of the Ohana Volleyball Club

Phone: (515) 991-6209

Email: JoeLedesma@OhanaVBC.com


1400 SE Gateway Drive, Suite 111

Grimes, IA 50111

Phone: (515) 986-8134

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